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Who and what are our stakeholders?

Welcome to the governors page on the Wren Park Website. There are twelve governors at Wren Park all of whom take an active role in the life of the school.

As governors we meet regularly to make decisions about school matters and to support the staff of the school in their work. The full Governing Board meet every half term, and we have separate committees concerned with Premises and health and safety, Finance, Personnel and Curriculum issues and these committees usually meet termly. Governors are members of at least one of these committees which meet regularly to examine issues relating to their special responsibility. Having considered all the options they are then able to make recommendations to governors at the next full meeting. All governors have a curriculum area of interest and keep up to date with the latest developments by liaison with the teachers who lead the subject area. Governors visit the school regularly and participate fully in school events.

All the governors are very approachable and are happy to speak to parents. Governors can be contacted in the first instance by communicating with the school or by e-mail to

A governor will always try to be present at open evenings and other events and can be approached in person.

Current Governors

Full Name Category of Governor Appointing Body (in accordance with the Instrument of Government) Date of Appointment Retirement Date Committees Governor Serves On Positions of Responsibility

Alex Buckley

Headteacher Ex-officio N/A N/A All  


Simon Chilvers


Co-opted Governing Body Nov 2018 21.09.26 All Chair of GB
Kevin Rayner Parent Election Nov 2021 16.11.25 Resources

Vice-Chair of GB

Chair of Resources

Ian Care

Local Authority Governing Body TBC 26.11.26 Resources  
Gurjinder Khunkhun Co-opted Governing Body Nov 2022 15.11.26 Resources  
Helen Hagan Co-opted Governing Body Sept 2016 21.09.25 Teaching and Learning Chair of Teaching and Learning

Kuljit Bolina Johal

Parent Election Nov 2022 15.11.26 Teaching and Learning  
Liz Hanson Co-opted Governing Body Feb 2017 29.09.25 Teaching and Learning  
Lauren Harvey Co-opted (staff)

Governing Body

Dec 2024   Teaching and Learning  
Amanda Glynn Staff Election Sept 2016  16.03.26 Teaching and Learning  
Emma Stewart Parent Election Jan 2025      

Point of contact for Governing Body

Rachel Fox Clerk to Governors and School Business Manager

If you have any questions about the Governing Board, membership, constitution and indeed its work please contact The Clerk to Governors in the first instance.

To view governor agendas, minutes, and documents discussed in the full board/committee meetings, please email your request to Rachel Fox. Please email and mark the subject FAO Rachel Fox 

Previous Governors (served at any point over the past 12 months)

Full Name Category of Governor Appointing Body (in accordance with the Instrument of Government) Date of Appointment Retirement Date Committees Governor Serves On Positions of Responsibility
Margita Madjarova Parent Election November 2022 September 2024 Resources  
Wendy Buckley Co-opted (staff)

Governing Body

Mar 2011 04.05.23 Teaching and Learning  

Governor Register of Interests

No current governors on the Governing Board have declared any business or financial interests or any governance roles in other schools

Relationship between Governors and members of school staff (including spouses, partners or relatives):

 We currently have 3 Governors who are related to members of school staff.

What is the Governing Board?

The Governing Board is a team of volunteers, supporting the school, with the following roles:

  • bring to the school different perspectives and experience, support and advice, Governors do not need to be specifically qualified but bring with them a wealth of experiences and common sense.
  • provide a strategic view - deciding collectively on the targets for the school, agreeing policies, targets and priorities for the school as the "School Development Plan".
  • act as support to the Head and Teachers and help focus on the children and raising the standards of achievement.
  • ensure the happiness of the children within the best possible learning environment.
  • no Governor has individual power - only the Governing Board collectively has power to bring about change.
  • act as a link between the local community, parents and the school.
  • monitor policies, budgets, development plans to ensure they are on target and in place in school. ( A full set of policies is available at the School.)
  • sponsor a curriculum area, making regular visits to the school and supporting the staff in this area.
  • to act as a "Critical Friend" to the Head by providing them with support and advice.
  • The Governing Board appoints all governors except for the LA governor.
  • There are no associate members on our Governing Board

Constitution of the Governing Board

The Governing Board consists of the following:

  • 3 Parent Governors - A person with a child attending the school, who is not employed by the School or the LEA.
  • 1 LA Governor - A member of the LA who is not employed by the school.
  • 2 Staff Governors - Head teacher/Staff and non-teaching staff are included in this category. One place must always be reserved for the Head and one place for a teacher
  • 6 Co-opted Governors - Co-opted governors are selected by the Governing Board and will be selected on their skills and experience pertinent to the needs of the school.

About our Governors

Simon Chilvers - Many years ago I used to be a pupil at Wren Park and now my daughter is also at school here. I wanted to become a Governor so that I could give something back to the school that gave me such a good start in life.  I was delighted to be voted on as a Parent Governor 6 years ago, was then Co-opted on for another term and I am now honoured to be the Chair of Governors.

We have a great team of Governors and amazing staff at Wren Park, all of whom give up their valuable time to ensure the school keeps heading in the right direction.

In my day job, I work for a Utility Company as their Head of Reporting. This means that I manage a large team, whose main responsibility is to produce information and reports on how the company is performing and to satisfy our regulatory requirements.

I am able to bring my analytical, financial and management experience to the Governing Board. As I'm new to the Education Sector, I can sometimes bring a fresh perspective to the table. First and foremost though, as a parent, my priority is to ensure that the needs and best interests of the children are always at the forefront of any decisions we make.

Ian Care -  I am a professional engineer and feel that my commercial, business, and science experience can be helpful to the school and governors. I believe every school should be a good school adding value to those who learn at the school, and that this should be a fun and enjoyable experience for the pupils and staff. I will endeavour to continue to do my best for the school.

Helen Hagan – I was a Social Worker in Adult Care for 13 years and I am now self-employed, providing interactive music sessions for residents in care homes. I am the Safeguarding governor on the Governing board.

I believe that schools should be a stimulating, enjoyable and fun environment for the children and all those who work in them, and we should all encourage our children to be curious about the world. Most importantly, we must be child centred in all the decisions that we make. I will do my very best to support Wren Park as a governor as it continues to provide a very high standard of care and education for our children.

Liz Hanson - After 10 years as part of Wren Park PA, becoming a Governor seemed like another way I could continue to support and stay involved with the school.  My 20+ years in education as a secondary teacher, primary teacher,  SENDCo and now Specialist SpLD Teacher help me bring a breadth of experience and understanding to the role as SEND Governor. Both my children enjoyed learning at Wren Park and even though they’ve moved on, I’m reluctant to leave such a warm and welcoming school.  As a parent and a professional within education, I am keen to do my best in helping the school maintain their high standards and provide a stimulating child-centred approach to  education.  

Kevin Rayner - As a parent of two children who have attended Wren Park, I decided that I wanted to contribute to the school and invest some of my time, skills and experience to help maintain the school as an outstanding place for our children to develop. I was successfully voted onto the Governing Board as a Parent Governor in 2021 and have found the experience to be extremely rewarding. I am now Vice Chair of the Governing Board and I chair the Resources Sub-Committee. 

I work for an Investment Bank where I manage a global IT Team. While the transferable skills weren't immediately obvious to me, I have found that I am able to contribute to helping the school navigate regulatory policy, make financial decisions and to provide a check and balance on the Head Teacher and his leadership team. I like to think that I represent the interests of  all parents of children at the school. 

Kuljit Bolina Johal - I feel it is important that every child at Wren Park is happy, safe, confident and strives to become the very best they can be.

In terms of my skills and background, I have been a senior leader in many colleges and universities in central London. My role involved curriculum development, recruitment strategies, marketing, communication, finance and budgeting. I have also been involved in OFSTED inspection.

My main priority is making sure our children have the right academic setting, support and welfare needs. Young people often face different challenges throughout education, and we must have the right tools in place to help them achieve and learn in a safe and secure environment.

Gurjinder Khunkhun - I’m currently a Co-opted Governor at Wren Park School. After having my daughter, I realised I wanted to give back and support the school in a meaningful way.

I have experience in organising and planning business projects, managing budgets, and working with clients. I really enjoy building relationships and helping others succeed, especially when it comes to training and developing team members.

In my spare time, I love being active through sports, diving into a good book, or listening to music. Travelling and learning about new cultures is something I'm really passionate about. I also enjoy project management and am always on the lookout for ways to make things better. I've taken part in a number of local charity events because I believe in giving back to my community. Plus, I speak Punjabi fluently and can hold conversations in Urdu and Hindi, which helps me connect with a variety of people.

Lauren Harvey - I’m a primary teacher with 18 years of experience, and I’ve been fortunate to work at Wren Park School for the last 4 years. I have a degree in English and I’m passionate about literature and language, which I love bringing into my lessons to help students develop a love for reading and communication. I’m also the Curriculum Lead at the school, where I work on planning and developing the best learning opportunities for our pupils. As a staff governor, I’m able to contribute further to the shaping of our school and ensure we’re providing an ambitious education for all our pupils. Outside of work, I’m a mum to three young boys, which keeps me busy! Being a parent gives me a real understanding of what families need, and I try to bring that perspective to my teaching. I’m proud to be part of the Wren Park community and enjoy creating memorable learning experiences for the children I teach.

Amanda Glynn - I have been teaching at Wren Park for the past 10 years starting my teaching journey in Year 3 at Wren Park in September 2014. I now teach in Year 4 where I have been teaching both part time and full time over the past 3 years.

My journey working with children started after my second child went to Nursery. I studied at Derby College to gain a Diploma in Nursery Nursing. My first jobs working with children were at Castle Nursery School and Mickleover Methodist church playgroup. I then went on to join Wren Park in 2004 as a teaching assistant, and went on to become a HLTA. After that, I got back into studying and with the support of Mr Buckley I returned to university, did my degree and then went on to study at Derby University to become a teacher.

I enjoy teaching children because every day is different and it is very rewarding seeing children develop academically, physically and emotionally throughout the year. I enjoy teaching Maths, Topic, Music and Art. Some of my favourite topics are Ancient Egypt and The Romans. In Maths, I enjoy teaching fractions and problem solving questions.

Since I joined Wren Park as a teacher, I have been the Music co-ordinator and I run a Singing Squad group for children who like to sing. We sing pop songs, Christmas songs and I like to introduce the children to different styles of music that they may not have heard before. I enjoy singing and so do the children. In my opinion, there is nothing better than music to brighten up your day.

On a personal note, I originally come from a village called East Ardsley in Yorkshire and the nearest town is called Morley which is near to Leeds and Wakefield. When I left school, I worked in a textile mill. I moved to Derby 34 years ago to start a new chapter in my life with my husband. We have two children, a boy called Elliot and a girl called Keely. They are now fully grown up and have their own houses in Derby.

Emma Stewart - I am a mother of two girls with my eldest currently attending Wren Park and my youngest starting school in September. For thirteen years, I was a primary school teacher which gave me extensive knowledge and skills in classroom teaching. I also have a good understanding of the inner workings of schools and the numerous difficulties schools face currently. From this role and my current role working for NHS in patient system support, I understand the importance of teamwork, clear communication and delivering the best possible practice and experiences for all involved in Wren Park.

As both a parent and a former teacher, I believe I am able to see issues and discussions from both sides which brings a balanced view to the governing body. I became a governor in order to support the school in maintaining high standards and providing an enjoyable and valuable experience for all children. Whilst academic results are important, I also feel that it is equally important to prepare children for future life through a wide and varied curriculum that values experiences and learning about the local area and the wider world. 

Attendance Record

Full Governing Board Meetings - September 2024 - July 2025

Name 25.09.24 04.12.24 22.01.25       Total attended
Alex Buckley       3/3 - 100%
Simon Chilvers       3/3 - 100%
Kevin Rayner /       2/3 - 66%
Ian Care /       2/3 - 66%
Kuljit Bolina Johal       3/3 - 100%
Helen Hagan       3/3 - 100%
Gurjinder Khunkhun /       2/3 - 66%
Liz Hanson /       2/3 - 66%
Wendy Buckley Retired         1/1 - 100%
Amanda Glynn       3/3 - 100%
Lauren Harvey       3/3 - 100%
Emma Stewart NA NA       1/1 - 100%

Teaching and Learning Committee - September 2024 - July 2025

Name 22.10.24 29.01.25         Total attended
Alex Buckley         2/2 - 100%
Simon Chilvers /         1/2 - 50%
Kuljit Bolina Johal / /         0/2 - 0%
Helen Hagan         2/2 - 100%
Liz Hanson         2/2 - 100%
Amanda Glynn         2/2 - 100%
Emma Stewart NA         1/1 - 100%
Lauren Harvey /         1/2 - 50%

Resources Committee - September 2024 - July 2025

Name 17.10.24           Total attended
Alex Buckley           1/1 - 100%
Simon Chilvers           1/1 - 100%
Kevin Rayner           1/1 - 100%
Ian Care           1/1 - 100%
Gurjinder Khunkhun           1/1 - 100%

Full Governing Board Meetings - September 2023 - July 2024

Name 20.09.23 23.11.23 24.01.24 12.03.24 25.04.24 16.07.24 Total attended
Alex Buckley 6/6 - 100%
Simon Chilvers / 5/6 - 83%
Kevin Rayner 6/6 - 100%
Ian Care 6/6 - 100%
Kuljit Bolina Johal / / 4/6 - 66%
Helen Hagan / 5/6 - 83%
Gurjinder Khunkhun NA NA / 3/4 - 75%
Liz Hanson / / / 4/6 - 66%
Margita Madjarova 6/6 - 100%
Wendy Buckley 6/6 - 100%
Amanda Glynn / 5/6 - 83%

Teaching and Learning Committee - September 2023 - July 2024

Name 28.09.23 07.12.23 19.03.24 16.7.24 Total attended
Alex Buckley 4/4 - 100%
Simon Chilvers / 4/4 - 100%
Kuljit Bolina Johal / / / 1/4 - 25%
Helen Hagan 4/4 - 100%
Liz Hanson / 3/4 - 75%
Wendy Buckley 4/4 - 100%
Amanda Glynn 4/4 - 100%

Resources Committee - September 2023 - July 2024

Name 10.10.23 25.03.24 18.04.24 25.04.24 16.7.24 Total attended
Alex Buckley / 4/5 - 80%
Simon Chilvers 5/5 - 100%
Kevin Rayner 5/5 - 100%
Ian Care / / 3/5 - 60%
Gurjinder Khunkhun NA NA / / / 0/3 - 0%
Margita Madjarova / / / / / 0/5 - 0%