Pupil Premium
Statement on Pupil Premium
Disadvantaged children and those qualifying for Pupil Premium are identified nationally as a cohort of children who may not have the support, opportunities and access to resources as some of their advantaged counterparts. For some but certainly not all of these children there may be added complexities such as social difficulties, children playing a young carer role and adverse childhood experiences.
For children to learn effectively they need to feel safe, secure and have low anxiety as well as feel confident within the school environment with the support of a trusted adult and teachers.
Since the Lockdown in response to Coronavirus in March 2020 pupil premium children have had further disruption to their school and learning experiences which may have put them at a further disadvantage to their peers and widening the gap of experience, opportunity and attainment.
At Wren Park we are endeavouring to provide the best opportunity for these children to be successful and move forward with their academic, social and emotional progress and whilst there are common approaches there will be some specific actions for individual children.
The children will wherever possible benefit from the same Quality First Teaching as their peers with differentiation if required. They may also be in need of additional targeted support to address any learning gaps and to master previously learnt concepts which may have “gone rusty” the class teacher will assess where these needs are and either support directly or through the use of a teaching assistant.
The children may need additional pastoral support, encouragement and re-adjustment opportunities. We will be funding additional Teaching Assistant hours within each classroom to support these children throughout the year 2020-21 from school budget and any catch-up funding.
Teachers will contact all Pupil Premium Parents on at least a termly basis (in addition to usual parents consultations) to offer help and support. We will continue to develop curriculum workshops for parents through these times wherever we can through “pre- recorded” DOJO resources during this period where face to face contact and meetings with parents are not taking place in school.
In the event of any local lockdown or school closure then we will endeavour to support these children further by providing access to a “loan computer” or other paper resources, learning packs, stationery and books. These children / families will also receive additional support through a twice weekly telephone consultation with a member of staff if this is something which families wish to participate in during any lockdown / bubble closure.
We hope that all children including Pupil Premium receive our best support through what is a challenging time for families. We will continue to work in partnership with parents to promote an aspirational outlook for the achievement of all children at Wren Park.
Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
We monitor closely and review the way in which the support we give these children is impacting positively on the children. As children are all different with specific needs and requirements as well as learning at different rates, we monitor a range of children’s outcomes; some are on pupil progress but we also place great importance on their welfare, personal skills, self-esteem and confidence which are harder to quantify.
Pupil Premium Charter
Wren Park Primary School
A child who is in the Pupil Premium cohort at Wren Park can expect to benefit from some of the following:
- Academic support
- Pastoral support
- Assistance with equipment and uniform
- Extra access to Teaching Assistants
- One to one support or small group support
- Help with funding educational trips and visits
- Support with emotional health and wellbeing
- Enrichment activities
- General curriculum support
- Intervention work
- Lunchtime support
- Creative and individualised strategy to break down barriers to learning and promote progress
- Extra recognition and reward
It is important to note that often all of the children in a class will reap some benefit from how the school spends its pupil premium: for example, if the money is used to fund an additional assistant, then at times the whole class would benefit not just the children in the Pupil Premium cohort.
At times within the child’s education at Wren Park they may receive differing levels of additional support through Pupil Premium with some “lighter” support and “more intense” support based upon specific context and presenting needs of the child.
- Please click here for details of how to claim for Free School Meals
- Department for Education Articles and advice for children and young people.
Funding for looked-after children
The Government has given £2530 to all Looked After Children for the academic year 2023-2024.
For next year, 2024-2025 the allocation is £2570.
This funding is to be spent on any adopted or fostered child, to provide educational or emotional support above and beyond that of other pupils. It is the responsibility of individual schools to decide how this money is spent, although the impact of the funding has to be closely monitored.
At Wren Park we have made the decision to give each Looked After Child additional support for 30 minutes each day. This support is being provided by either Teachers or Teaching Assistants. It is the class teacher's responsibility to decide on targets and programmes of work for each child and to regularly review the impact that this is having on the child's learning or development.
If your child is a Looked After Child, his/her class teacher will be able to share the targets with you and discuss any concerns or issues you may have. Alternatively if you would like to discuss your child's needs with me, please contact the school office for an appointment.