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Wren Park

Primary School

Tuesday 24th March Update

Dear Parents,


We hope you are keeping well and adapting to our changing times. What a difference a few days makes to all our lives.


We all share the same hopes that these new restrictions help to keep all our friends, family and community safe. Our thoughts will be on how we are going to get through this ourselves as well as extending to, best wishes and indeed many of you may be praying for all lives touched by this situation around the world.


It is a time for slowing down, reflecting and managing day by day at present.


At school we have had to prioritise our efforts on arrangements for key worker children. As you will appreciate this has included a considerable amount of new systems being put in place for the safety and wellbeing of these key worker children and our own staff.


We are now starting to be able to move our efforts a little more in supporting you at home in your new role of teacher.


We will not be bombarding you with a “drop it all on you at the start” approach but will hopefully make new challenges of educating at home manageable. We will be moving towards using class Dojo as a platform for accessing material and for learning as this has the facility of us seeing children’s work from a distance and providing feedback.


This process should be straightforward once we are up and running. You will soon receive login details (over the next week).


In the meantime we will be sending some information from the class teachers about some activities for the next few days, look out for another email later today.


I’ll leave it there for now but will be keeping you posted.


Please bear with us at this time. We are all working through this new situation as best we can and we really do appreciate that this may be an anxious and stressful time especially at the start of this new regime.


There is lots of advice in the media about how to support your child at home; (some better advice than others)! I came across this article which may be a good place to start as there are some wise and useful points raised. Grab yourself a cuppa and have a quick read if you can.


Best wishes to you and all your families. I am sure over the coming weeks we will find new ways of supporting you and maintaining contact.


Alex Buckley

If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding children please email: (Attendance this term 94.71%- let’s see if we can break the 96% mark soon!)