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Wren Park

Primary School

Friday 27th March Update

Dear Parents,


I know that I only sent something yesterday and I really don’t wish to bombard you with information whilst you are coming to terms with the new challenges we are all facing.

However; we do wish to be of help and keep lines of communication with you in a variety of ways.


We will send important information to you by email and make it available on our website. Please do keep checking the website periodically.


Next week we will be starting with DOJO so the teachers will be communicating with you regarding learning on that platform. Without sounding like a “scratched record” (try explaining that one to your children!) please do not upload anything on DOJO yet- there will be plenty of time for that and I will send some further guidance on this next week.


Whilst we work through this situation more things are entering our thoughts on how we can help each other at this time. I think communication and contact will be important for the whole Wren Park Community and especially so the longer this goes on. With this in mind I am setting up two new lines of communication in addition to our emails and website; one on a serious nature and one for a bit of fun.


    We realise that a few families might be very isolated indeed if they have to quarantine themselves and this might mean basic necessities will be running low in households and cause extra stress to you. If this is genuinely the case you should email us and we will be in contact to see how we might help in getting these necessities to you. Obviously we will have limited capacity and cannot do a full weekly shop from schools or our own budget but we will hopefully sort out a way through for you.

If this is needed please email us in confidence and we will get back to you as soon as possible please type COVID-HELP in the subject line of the email.


    As our weekdays and weekends may start blurring into one I will aim to send you all a piece of family homework for the weekend, usually in the form of question (impossible to get a wrong answer too you will be glad to hear!) This will be to get you thinking and sharing your ideas with your family (no need to put pen to paper unless you wish to). It can take as little as a minute or you may wish to give them more thought it is up to you!
    You do not need to send us any form of reply unless you really want to and if you do this may be from a single word to a couple of paragraphs (no long essays please!) If you do wish to reply then please email us but you must enter “THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEKEND” in the subject line and send it back by Monday morning.  I cannot guarantee I will respond to everyone but I will possibly share some interesting responses with you all the following week. Please do remember though that any response is expected to be appropriate for the setting of a Primary School!- I’m sure we have all seen some stuff over social media which has been amusing and clever but some which has been inappropriate, let’s keep it in the spirit in which it is intended ie. a bit of fun and appropriate!
    This week I thought I would give you two questions just to get you started.
  1. What has been your biggest challenge this week?
  2. What have you been most grateful for this week?

I hope that despite the circumstances we now all find ourselves in that you are able to have a peaceful and relaxing weekend.


This week I have seen a few parents who have been Key Workers doing long shifts, my thoughts and thanks are with you.


Please take care everyone and Keep Safe.



Best wishes,

Alex Buckley

If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding children please email: (Attendance this term 94.71%- let’s see if we can break the 96% mark soon!)